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Rito Adonhiramita

Supreme Grand Chapter of Eclectic Masonry

Eclectic Masonry or Eclectic Rite

Eclectic Masonry is essentially a philosophical fraternity, philanthropic, evolutionary, and progressive initiation, which through its rituals teach the individual the freedom to think and express themselves and develop themselves in society. Freemasonry as an evolutionary Eclectic Fraternity is a universalist institution, which houses the most varied matrices formed from the influences of countless nations without a defined timeframe. It consists of Men of eclectic spiritualism who work tirelessly for the Fatherland, Order and Humanity. Eclecticism is contained in the philosophical conception of Freemasonry for free thinkers and opinion formers around the Earth orb. The Eclectic Society of Freemasons uses innumerable symbols and artifices from different manifestations of civilizations, incorporating beliefs and cultures from all times and all races into its bosom. We can thus affirm that Freemasonry is an eclectic institution in the sense of fraternal union and mutual help, since all the men who join it as Fraternal Brothers unite, without concerns of racial ethnicities, religious beliefs, nationalities and political opinions and parties, defends freedom of conscience, always respecting the right and duty of each citizen. Eclectic Freemasonry is a real shelter for virtuous Men, free from dogmas that are supported by the pillars of Freemasonry: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity . We are a family owned and operated business.

“The secular Eclectic Masonry or Eclectic Masonic Corporation, is nothing more than a set of traditions, customs and social rules, a guiding synthesis, a School of Perfection, a Magisterium of Wisdom, a true Professor for the Sages and Philosophers, free and virtuous : A Perfect Triangle ".

The Eclectic Masonry System

The Eclectic Rite

The System of Eclectic Masonry or simply Eclectic Rite was compiled in 1776 by the Baron of Ditfurth, at first with fourteen degrees, being officially published in Frankfurt in 1779, not prospering at first in Germany as expected. Baron de Ditfurth decided to reform and restructure the rite in partnership with Freemasons Johann Karl Brönner and Baron de Knigge ( 1781-1783 ), radically changing its structure. From the reform, the symbolic degrees came to be highlighted in the Eclectic Masonry System. After the reform and the Constitution of Eclectic Masonry was promulgated in the same year, the symbolic degrees were independent of the philosophical degrees, the symbolic lodges started to have autonomy to decide which path to follow in philosophism without the interference of the Symbolic Grand Lodges. Its government would be autonomous and independent of symbolism. In the same year, a group of symbolic shops met in Frankfurt with the intention of founding and establishing a philosophical, sovereign, independent and autonomous body called the GREAT CHAPTER OF ECLECTIC FREEMASONRY , with eleven philosophical degrees, with emphasis on the degrees of Cavalier Rosa -Cross and Knight Kadosh. This new body was intended to regulate, manage and guide the philosophical system adopted in eclecticism. The Rite flourished in Europe and the Americas, being established in 1882, in Cisplatina and Rio da Prata, and in Brazil, in 1892.

In the Eclectic system, EQUALITY and FREEDOM are essential rights that Man, in his perfect and original primitive form, received from nature, being He, free to choose his own path. Thus, the Eclectic Mason as a Perfect Triangle can decide which path to take, when starting, remodeling or finishing the work, using his own conceptions and aspirations as tools.

The History of the Eclectic Rite in Germany

The Philosophical Eclectic Rite

The System of Eclectic Masonry or Eclectic Rite was compiled in 1776, initially with fourteen degrees by the Baron of Ditfurth (Franz Dietrich von Ditfurth: 1738, Dankersen, Germany - 1813, Weser, Germany), being published in 1779 in Frankfurt, no thriving at first in Germany.

Baron of Ditfurth decided to reform and restructure the rite in partnership with Johann Karl Brönner, (Johann Ludwig Karl Brönner: July 1, 1738, Frankfurt, Germany - March 22, 1812, Frankfurt, Germany) and Baron de Knigge ( 1781- 1783 ), radically changing its structure. From then on, symbolic degrees became prominent in the Eclectic Masonry System.

The Reformation of the Eclectic Rite

Baron of Knigge, (Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig Knigge: October 16, 1752, Wennigsen, Germany - May 6, 1796, Bremen, Germany), in 1782, right after the Congress in Wilhelmsbad, reformed the “Philosophical Eclectic Rite” (compiled in 1779 by the Baron of Ditfurth), in accordance with the norms and guidelines of regular Freemasonry, transforming it into a true Philosophical Professorate. He separated the symbolic degrees from the philosophical degrees, excluding from the rituals the speculations of Hermeticism, Templarism and Kabbalistic ideas included in their outlines that had nothing to do with the order of freemasons, bringing back to the primitive and genuine purity, leaving only the pure Masonic essence established in accordance with ancient Landmarks and the regulations of regular Freemasonry.

The symbolic degrees for Knigge, Ditfurth and Brönner, represented the purest Freemasonry, a teaching system that transforms ordinary men into true teachers and philosophers , being the foundation of all eclectic structure, still representing, the “Rational Evolution of the Human Species”.

The German Eclectic Corporation

The Provincial Grand Lodges of Frankfurt and Wetzlar, on March 18 and 21, 1783, sent Eclectic Circular Boards to all German lodges, with the fifteen points that regulated Eclectic Masonry. On this board, the rights and duties of each accommodation and of each worker were defined. In article 3 of the aforementioned circular, it was regulated that the Stores would define which and how many higher grades would be installed. The design of the circular board was developed by Brother Johann Karl Brönner, with success, several accommodations adhered to the Eclectic System. One of the great drivers who contributed greatly to the growth of the Rite was the Freemason Adam Weishaupt (Johann Adam Weishaupt: Ingolstadt, February 6, 1748 - Gota, November 18, 1830).

The Constitution of the Eclectic Corporation gave its Stores full independence to walk the road of philosophy separately from the symbolic basis. Thus, the Eclectic System, or simply “Rite Eclectic”, remained with its degrees reformed and adapted to speculative and regular Freemasonry.

Eclectic Masonry and the Grand Lodges of Frankfort and Hamburg

Eclectic Masonry was established in 1783, at first, in Germany, within the Grand Lodges of Frankfurt and Hamburg, with the Provincial Grand Lodges later being organized in Frankfort, Hambugo, Wilhelmsbad and Wctzlar. The Rite was also successful in Poland, Naples, Denmark, France and Switzerland , but it did not prosper in other European countries at that time, as was expected by the Barons of Knigge and Ditfurth. In addition to the aforementioned countries, the rite was practiced in the Americas by regular Grand Lodges and Grand Orients.

The Eclectic Rite gave rise to the Rectified System known as the Rite of the Order of the Knights of the Holy City, founded in 1784 in France, and also to the Schroeder Rite, in addition to influencing other German and French Masonic systems.


The Foundation of the First Great Chapter

of Eclectic Masonry

Separating philosophism from symbolism in the eclectic system, and defining its basis, several accommodations continued to work on philosophism, in order to establish relations with other foreign bodies. Some bodies were installed in the English line and others in the Scottish line. Several German Freemasons from various lodges decided to reorganize the philosophical degrees compiled by Ditfurth before the reform, being selected from the existing regular Masonry systems genuine degrees that maintained the principles of speculative Masonry applied to the growth and evolution of Man, with emphasis and emphasis on the Degrees of Knight Rosa-Cruz and Knight Kadosh.

A sovereign and independent Grand Chapter was founded and established in Frankfurt (1783-1785), with the purpose of regulating, administering and guiding the philosophical system adopted in eclecticism, remaining as guardian of its liturgy.

The Eclectic Corporation in Uruguay and Brazil

The Eclectic Rite in Uruguay

Eclectic Masonry was introduced in Uruguay in 1882, by Dr. Justino Jimenez de Aréchaga Moratorium, when the split occurred in the Grand Orient of Uruguay and its Supreme Council (Gran Oriente del Uruguay y su Supremo Consejo). He brought together several Freemason scientists, philosophers and liberal poets to establish liberal Republican Freemasonry in Cisplatina and Rio da Prata, and also to reform the Masonic system practiced by their lodges.

Starting from this need, a group of scholars, under the command and direction of the Great President of the Council of Rites, Brother Lino G. Abelino Arroyo, with critical and renewing spirits, from the sign of German eclecticism, developed a new Masonic system a be followed by the Grand Orient Shops of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. They analyzed all the rites and rituals of German Eclectic Masonry, extracting from them, the essence of traditional, regular and modern Masonry, reducing its innumerable degrees in a single Masonic compendium as established by Ditfurth in 1779. This in the system would absolve the innumerable liturgical colleges in the regions of Cisplatina and Rio da Prata.

Dr. Jiménez, in order to meet the new Masonic system compiled, separated from the structure of the Grand Orient of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (Gran Oriente de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay) the symbolic degrees of the philosophical degrees (as determined by the resolutions of the 1875 Congress of Lausanne, that is, a Grand Lodge or a Grand Orient manages the Symbolic Degrees, whereas the Philosophical Degrees would be administered by an auto body called the Supreme or Council), changing the arts. 83, 84, 85 of the Masonic Code, promulgated and approved on May 4, 1882.

Soon after the restructuring of the Grand Orient of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Dr. Jimenez, with the support of the Great Brazilian Orient (Gran Oriente Brasileño), constituted an Auto Body to attend the Uruguayan philosophical Freemasonry (Blue Rites), called Supreme Great Chapter of Eclectic Masonry (Supreme Grand Chapter of Eclectic Masonry), replacing the old College of Blue Rites, installed in Montevideo in 1856. This auto body was installed and consecrated in 1883 by the Very Powerful Supreme Council for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Great East Brasiliero (Very Powerful Supreme Council for the Scottish Rite Antiguo and Acepto del Gran Oriente Brasileño). Its first president was Brother Rufino P. Ravìa Gonzalez, succeeded in 1885 by Brother Lino G. Abelino Arroyo. The Scottish Rite was subordinate to the Very Mighty Supreme Council of the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Great Brazilian East, since there was only one store. Numerous eclectic stores were installed in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile, between 1880-1910.

The Eclectic Rite in Brazil

Eclectic Masonry and its philosophy was introduced in Brazil in 1892 by Councilor Gaspar da Silveira Martins (Department of Cerro Largo, August 5, 1835 - Montevideo, July 23, 1901) , in Rio Grande do Sul, when he returned from exile in Europe. It also tells the story that Lojas Ecléticas was installed under the command of Councilor Gaspar da Silveira Martins, General Gumercindo Saraiva (Arroio Grande, January 13, 1852 - Carovi, Capão do Cipó, August 10, 1894) , General Aparício Saraiva da Rosa (Santa Clara de Olimar, at the time belonging to the department of Cerro Largo, currently of Treinta y Três, Uruguay - August 16, 1856 - Santana do Livramento, Brazil, September 10, 1904) and General João Nunes da Silva Tavares ( Barão de Itaqui: Herval, May 24, 1818 - Bagé, January 9, 1906), in the trenches of the Maragatos, Cerro Largo and Bagé, during the Federalist Revolution, (1893-1895), with the objective of obtaining greater autonomy for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, installing a participatory government, better saying , "Eclectic" . With the death of Gumercindo in 1894 and the return of Silveira Martins to Montevideo, the Eclectic Rite had an ephemeral duration in the Federative Republic of Brazil. Eclectic shops were suppressed by the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Rite was also known in the south of the country as Rite of the Illuminated or of the Gasparistas.

The Structure of Eclectic Masonry

The structure of the Eclectic Rite is organized in three symbolic degrees, and from these, eleven philosophical degrees rise, thus composing the degrees along the lines of the old Eclectic Rite (Ditfurth: 1776-1779) , classified into six distinct classes: Symbolic Shop or of São João; Brand Store; Great Eclectic Chamber; Sublime Eclectic Chapter; Philosophical Council of Knights of Kadosh; Sovereign Council.

Symbolic Eclectic Masonry or Freemasonry

of São João

In the Eclectic Regime the main basis is the symbolic degrees, which comprise the first three denominated: Apprentice, Companion and Master . This foundation supports the eleven-degree hierarchy of Eclectic Philosophical Masonry. The symbolic degrees are under the exclusive administration of regular symbolic obedience and supreme authority of its grand master, whereas the philosophical degrees are under the command and supervision of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Eclectic Masonry.

1st Class - Symbolic or São João Store

Grade 1 - Freemason Apprentice

Grade 2 - Freemason Companion

Grade 3 - Master Mason

Philosophical Eclectic Masonry

The Supreme Grand Chapter of Eclectic Masonry is a sovereign, independent, regular, legal, legitimate, theistic, initiative, progressive and evolutionary Masonic power, Chief Workshop, regulator and advisor of the High Philosophical Bodies of the Eclectic Rite liturgy, with administrative and disciplinary ancestry on the Organs and Bodies that are subordinate to it. Its philosophical structure comprises: Loja da Marca; Great Eclectic Chamber; Sublime Eclectic Chapter; Philosophical Council of Kadosh Knights; Sovereign Council ; which are generically referred to as Liturgical Workshops. The administration of the Sovereign Grand Chapter is chaired by its Grand Regent.

2nd Class - Brand Store

Grade 4 - Knight of the Royal Arch of Solomon

3rd Class - Large Eclectic Chamber

Grade 5 - Master of the Perfect or Perfect Triangle and Sublime Mason

4th Class - Sublime Eclectic Chapter

Grade 6 - Sovereign Prince Rosa-Cruz

5th Class - Kadosh Eclectic Council

Grade 7 - Knight Kadosh of Heredon

6th Class - Sovereign Council

Grade 8 - Grand Inspector General

Rito Adonhiramita
© Copyright

Rua Francisca Massaro Farinha, 385 - Ribeirânia, Ribeirão Preto - SP, CEP 14096-460

Sessions: Fridays 20: 00h

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